
FET - Free Timetabling Software

This is a FET Download Backup Server with some addition tools. The official FET homepage is hosted by Liviu Lalescu.

Are you scheduling the timetable of a school, high-school or university? Did you already try a lot of timetabling software but you are still dissatisfied with the results? Teachers and students need less gaps, part-time employees need more free days, basic subject are spread awkwardly over the week, rooms conflicts are still present, ...

You should try FET. It uses a fast and efficient timetabling algorithm. It is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.

Download FET:

View a YouTube video "How to install FET?" if you are a Windows user and don't know how to run FET.

Read an English FET basic manual.

You can get free support in the FET Forum. If you need more advanced support, then you can write me an e-mail (u6m4@timetabling.de). Please notice that I can't offer free of charge e-mail support.

TiTiTo - Tiny Timetabling Tool

TiTiTo is designed to support you with your daily work at school. Of course it can import FET files. The main tasks are helping you create substitution and supervision tables. It helps you to care about deviation from the default timetable. There are many reasons why an activity might be omitted or an extraordinary activity should be scheduled: A teacher might be ill; teachers are on a school trip with their classes, teacher or students visit a further education, ... . But there are many other features. Like file converters, different import and export formats or manual scheduling.

TiTiTo isn't free/open source. It is closed source/commercial. You can always download the latest version to test it. See FET Forum topic TiTiTo-x.x.x released.

StElTo - Students Election Tool

StElTo is designed to support you creating courses. So if the years of your school are not divided into classes, but into courses. So your students can select some subjects and you need to place them into a course. Of course the results can be exported also as a FET file.

StElTo isn't free/open source. It is closed source/commercial. You can always download the latest version to test it. See FET Forum topic StElTo-x.x.x released.

Read the English StElTo Manual for more information.

TSC - Translation Source Check

TSC helps you to find bugs in the source and in the translation of FET, TiTiTo and StElTo. But you can also search for bugs in other Qt applications and software that uses .ts or .po files.

View some of it's features in this YouTube Video about TSC.

You can always download the latest version to use it. See FET Forum topic TSC-x.x.x released.

Download TSC:


FET is open source and mainly developed by Liviu Lalescu. Coding, compiling, testing on different computers and operating systems, help in the forum and by e-mail, paying the web server (so you can download the software and use the forum) is not inexpensive. It needs a lot of time and money. So please be fair and donate to Liviu if you are using FET. Financial support is highly needed to get good free (libre) software.

You can also donate to me (Volker Dirr) with PayPal if you want to support my work on FET and TSC, my help in the FET forum or if you want to pay for this web server. You might alternatively donate some books to me with Amazon.

Sadly I can't offer TiTiTo or StElTo for free, since in the last nearly 20 years working on FET I never got a single donation for my work so far (October 2024).


Volker Dirr
Staumühler Str. 31
33161 Hövelhof

Data Privacy Policy

Responsible for this policy is:
Volker Dirr

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Deleting of your data might be temporary limited by law.

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Your data will be used to answer your questions and to fulfil the law.


Your data won't be transmitted to others, except if it is needed to fulfil commitment by law.

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You will send automatically data if you visit a webpage. (For example your IP, your used web browser and your OS. That is (partly) needed to show a website.). I can’t prevent that. Please don’t sent me that data if I shouldn’t get it. Please ask the producer of your web browser if you don't want to send that information.
The transmitted data might be temporary stored with a timestamp (log file). This is needed to ensure a smooth link connection and to evaluate system security and stability.
This website doesn’t use cookies.
There are no social media plugins on this site.
There are some external links to Liviu Lalescu's page, YouTube, Amazon and PayPal. Their data privacy policy will be valid if you visit their pages.

Collection of Information by E-Mail

If you send me an E-Mail it will be stored at web host goneo (www.goneo.de). This information will be stored until the legal period of safekeeping is expired.

Collection of Information by FET, TiTiTo and StElTo

FET, TiTiTo and StElTo collect a lot of data that you enter.

FET saves the most data only if you confirm it. It will be saved on your local computer by default (The computer that execute the software). You can optionally change the location. Some data (settings) will be stored in the registry (or an INI-File) of your computer. (For example size and position of dialogues, printer settings, …) FET can optionally check if there is a newer version available. This will ask for the latest version on Liviu Lalescu’s server (User_Agent FET will access at https://lalescu.ro/liviu/fet/crtversion/crtversion.txt).

TiTiTo saves the most data directly into a database. So you don’t need to confirm it. By default this database is located on your computer (The computer that execute the software). You can change the location. Some data (settings) will be stored in the registry (or an INI-File) of your computer. (For example size and position of dialogues, printer settings, …) Some data isn’t stored at all. (For example the password of your FTP-Server if you only want to transmit it one time.) TiTiTo checks if there is a newer version available and if there is a license. This will ask for the latest version on my server (User_Agent TiTiTo will access at https://www.timetabling.de/).

StElTo saves the most data directly into a database. So you don't need to confirm it. By default this database is located on your computer (The computer that execute the software). You can change the location. Some data (settings) will be stored in the registry (or an INI-File) of your computer. (For example size and position of dialogues, printer settings, ...) Some data isn't stored at all. StElTo checks if there is a newer version available and if there is a license. This will ask for the latest version on my server (User_Agent StElTo will access at https://www.timetabling.de/).

The data of FET, TiTiTo and StElTo are stored unencrypted (like default word processing software by Microsoft or LibreOffice.) FET, TiTiTo and StElTo might save very private data so you might need to encrypt your hard disk. Please check your local law.

Volker Dirr